The 5th Ambassadors’ Round Table on Food Security

In association with the Anglo Israel Association and  Weizmann UK

The 5th Ambassador’s Round Table on Food Security held in the Great Gallery in Lancaster House on Wednesday 26th February, gather over 60 scientists, entrepreneurs, diplomats, parliamentarians and academics from  both Israel and Britain.

The one daylong conference jointly run by the AIA and Weizmann UK provided an opportunity for participants to identify opportunities for Anglo-Israel co-operation in the all important field of food security.

 Many hundreds of millions of poor smallholder  farmers are hungry because they cannot grow enough food for themselves and their families, or make enough money from selling what they do produce. Growing enough food needs money  – for better seeds and fertiliser, a water pump to irrigate the crop and a bike to take it to market, a radio or a mobile phone to find out about crop prices etc. –  so it comes down to the economy. And that means moving from donor-dependency to trade-based self-sufficiency and self-reliance.

The conference was opened by AIA’s Chairman Lord Bew who chaired the first session.  The opening remarks were given by HE Daniel Taub, Ambassador of Israel to the UK.

Download the latest Ambassadors Roundtable on Food Security – Click here